Friday, March 18, 2016

Two schools of thought

There are two schools of thought when it comes to teaching kiteboarding.
1. Power them up and let them get drag around until they understand kite power.
2. Use 3 meter kite lines to help new rider Warm up to Wind Strength, Wind Direction, Ride Area, Entries and Exits. These shorter lines help new riders get comfortable with the true discipline in Kiteboarding which is to Park the Kite and Edge. In the process new riders learn to Navigate.
To get KITEs Method Certified contact us. Rider-Instructor. or check out our book in the itunes store

Sunday, March 6, 2016

All the KITEs Method Lesson plans are available in ebook, ecourse and as always here at the Method Lodge Kite Beach Cabarete.…
Let´s Kite...Rider and Instructor Certifications available