Learn to teach more students better, using less gear and less beach. Become KITEs Method Certified, the quickest way to learn and safest way to teach!
Join us at the Method Lodge on Kite beach Dominican Republic and learn the amazing new sport of Kiteboating and Kiteboat fishing. Only on Kite beach DR can you learn the ins and outs of kiteboating.
Finally, there is a Method that makes sense and provides a proven path towards safe riding. Learn the KITEs Method and receive your Kite License to teach and Ride. Kiteboarding is a Pass Fail sport! Kiteboarders chase wind, when they find it, they need to have the tools and experience to deal with strong wind and waves. Get your Kite License Now! Learn how to teach the KITEs Method way! The Method is the safest way to teach and the quickest way to learn.
Become a Method Center and/or a Method Coach. It is easy and will lead to happier customers.
Method Centers stock the ALL KITEs, KITEs Adjustable Line Lengths, Books and DVDs. Centers also offer the KITEs Method Lesson plans.
To become a center, contact us at methodlodge@gmail.com
Method Centers need to meet the KITEs Method Standards for lessons and retail sales.